Keep Your Dogs Safe From Tricks This Halloween

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Halloween dog tips | Henley Raw Dog Food

We all love to treat our dogs, but it is important to remember what they can’t have to ensure they don’t get sick!

Read through our top things to avoid giving your dog and find out our favourite treats we know they’ll love!

Halloween dog holding a trick or treat pumpkin


As unfair as it seems, chocolate is no good for your furry friend. According to recent research, it comes down to one molecule called Theobromine.

Theobromine is a caffeine-like molecule that increases blood flow to the vein. Dogs find this molecule so hard to process that they can quickly eat a fatal poisonous amount. Although most dogs don’t eat enough to be fatal, smaller amounts can still cause seizures and other symptoms.

For more information on why chocolate is bad for your pups, click here


Grapes and raisins are another food that your pups can’t eat. There is no safe amount for them. Grapes cause kidney damage, and eating the fruit can cause sudden kidney failure or even death.

The reason grapes have this effect in dogs is unknown, but it is known that dogs cannot metabolise the tannins, flavonoids, and monosaccharides that are in grapes. Recent research suggests that tartaric acid in grapes could be the culprit.


A common ingredient in human food but one of the more deadly foods that dogs should never have! Onions contain a compound called N-propyl disulphide, which is highly toxic. This compound causes the breakdown and eventual destruction of red blood cells and leads to anaemia, sometimes leading to death.

All parts of the onion are dangerous for dogs, so you should be extra cautious when storing and preparing them around your pet.


Something you probably have every day but that your dog should never have is caffeine. Your dog is much more sensitive to caffeine than you are. While a couple of laps of your tea probably won’t do any harm, if your dog eats coffee grounds, tea bags or pills containing caffeine, it’s essential to get them checked by your vet.

Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are a less common ingredient but one that is high on the list of foods your dog should avoid. Symptoms caused by eating macadamia nuts include vomiting, ataxia (lack of coordination), weakness, hyperthermia (overheating), and depression.

A dog can show symptoms from eating as little as 1/10 of an ounce per roughly 2 pounds of body weight.


Something you may not have heard of by xylitol is very harmful to dogs.
Xylitol is a common sugar substitute in foods. It is commonly found in sugar-free chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, vitamin supplements, a small handful of peanut butter brands, and other ‘low sugar’ or sugar-free products.

It can cause blood sugar levels to plummet as well as liver damage.


Another thing you might use every day that your dog should never have is garlic. This is because garlic contains Thiosulfate, which can cause damage to your dog’s red blood cells responsible for carrying oxygen around the body.

What treats can my dog have?

Don’t be put off by the things your pet can’t have. There are so many things available that they can still enjoy!