How to store raw dog food

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How to store raw dog food | Henley Raw Dog Food

Feeding your dog a raw food diet has many benefits, including improved digestion, healthier skin and coat, and increased energy. However, handling and storing raw dog food properly is important to prevent contamination and ensure that the food remains fresh and safe for consumption. This post will share some tips for safely storing and handling raw dog food.

Keep Raw Dog Food Refrigerated or Frozen

Raw dog food should be refrigerated or frozen to keep it fresh and safe. When refrigerating raw dog food, make sure it’s stored at a temperature below 40 degrees Celsius. If you’re not going to use the food within a few days, it’s best to freeze it. When freezing raw dog food, be sure to use freezer-safe containers or bags and label them with the date so you know how long the food has been in the freezer.

How to store raw dog food | Henley Raw Dog Food

Clean All Surfaces and Utensils

It’s important to clean all surfaces and utensils that come into contact with raw dog food to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. Wash your hands with soap and hot water before and after handling raw dog food, and use separate cutting boards and utensils for raw food and other foods.

Thaw Raw Dog Food Safely

If you’re thawing frozen raw dog food, it’s important to do so safely. Don’t leave the food out at room temperature to thaw, as this can promote the growth of harmful bacteria. Instead, thaw the food in the refrigerator or in a bowl of cold water. Never use hot water or the microwave to thaw raw dog food, as this can partially cook the food and create hot spots that can be dangerous for your dog.

Don't Refreeze Thawed Raw Dog Food

Once raw dog food has been thawed; it should be used within a few days. Don’t refreeze thawed raw dog food, as this can promote the growth of harmful bacteria and make the food unsafe for your pet.

Discard Uneaten Raw Dog Food

If your dog doesn’t eat all of the raw dog food you’ve served, don’t save the leftovers. Discard any uneaten food to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. You can also use portion control to avoid wasting raw dog food – only serve your dog what they will eat in one sitting.

Following these tips for storing and handling raw dog food can keep yourself and your pet safe and healthy. If you have any questions about feeding your dog a raw food diet, or if you’re interested in learning more about our raw dog food products, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re happy to help you provide your pet with the best possible nutrition.